Friday, 15 January 2016

Crisps and movie munchies!

Everything in today's post is 3 SP! Just take a look at these munchies!

The Walkers Hoops and Crosses in beef tasted just like beef Monster Munch, this made me very happy. 

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Marks & Spencers Ready Meals - 10SP

Sometimes you don't have time to cook, some days, you just can't be bothered to worry about it, or perhaps you work late and only have access to a microwave. Ready meals have their place and can be a great help. However picking ones that aren't high in points is not always an easy choice. Here are some meals from Marks & Spencers that are 10SP a meal. Keep an eye out for other posts soon with 9SP and 11SP meals.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

The benefits of weight loss

A member asked me recently if I had anything on weight loss and blood pressure, that led me to think that I needed to do a post on the benefits of weight loss. Aside from feeling better about yourself, which many find is the most obvious change there are lots of other benefits. 


There are two types of cholesterol which are mentioned when talking about cholesterol, LDL is the type known to be harmful, HDL is less discussed but is what is considered good cholesterol.  Decreasing LDL is important, while increasing HDL is good though not easy. 

Losing around 5-10% of your body weight is enough to increase HDL by around 5 points, it is also show to decrease LDL by as much as 40 points. 

Blood Pressure

Just losing around 5-10% of your body weight can lead to reduction of 5mmHg, reducing salt, increasing fruit and veg intake and switching to low fat dairy can make this reduction even greater. 

Weight loss is also shown to help improve back pain, sleep apnoea, contribute towards preventing angina, improve mobility and even reduce blood sugar. For more information on this and other information on blood pressure, weight loss and blood sugar reduction check out the links below.