Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Cabbage Rolls?!

Doesn't sound like the most appetising dish but the picture looks amazing, and at 3SP I would say that it was well worth a try!

Check out this link to see the recipe for yourself!

Sunday, 20 December 2015

A few 2SP items for you!

These were the initial items added to the 2SP album, as before this post will be only 2SP items. These points were accurate at the time of posting. 

2 SP per bag 

2 SP per bar

2 SP per bar 

2 SP per bag 

2 SP per bag 

2 SP per yoghurt

2 SP per taco

2 SP per tortilla

2 SP per cup

2 SP per 100g

2 SP per biscuit

Let's get started!

Our Facebook group is a little ahead of this blog so let me introduce you to a few of the products we have already found. This post contains the 1 smart point foods that were initially added to the facebook group. When there are more items in this range they will be added and tagged with the smart points per item or portion. 

1 SP per stick

1 SP per sweet

1 SP per pot or per 30g

1 SP per bag

1 SP per tsp but you won't need much!

1 SP per biscuit (try the 99p store for these)

1 SP per cookie (again try the 99p store for these, but beware, they are moreish)

1 SP for 3 of these!

1 SP per falafel

1 SP per serving.

Welcome to Smart Points!

This blog is here to help my members and other members, get to grips with the new system and find a little inspiration! 

Check out this blog to see new posts or join us on Facebook to see more up to date posts from all the members as we find you new ideas for your meals.